
We are trying an experiment. If you like App Stores, well, have we got a deal for you.You can now download Write-O-Matic 9000 from the Mac App Store.
It's the same basic Writer.app that you know and love with a new name and a smallish price ($0.99). For the love of small development shops.
You can still get the old and pretty much untouched and free version of Writer.app below.
Writer.app is a simple word processor. (Now at 1.4.3.)
It’s designed to get your first draft banged out and on its way to the editing table. Which is a perfect complement to NaNoWriMo, if you're into that sort of thing.
So get writing. Well, download it first. Then get started. Make sure you have your coffee or tea made already, so you have no more excuses.

- v. 1.4.3 - A few cosmetic changes to toolbar icons, and pressing delete twice in a row will delete the previous word (which could just be the full stop, or other punctuation mark). - 12.11.2008
- v. 1.4.2 - A small change to how large new documents are when they're first loaded. - never released... until now
- v. 1.4.1 - A small performance issue with larger documents was addressed. - 19.02.2008
- v. 1.4 - The True Drafting Tool Release
- You can now export your text (minus the text you've stricken) to Tinderbox, Microsoft Word, or Mellel
- Writer.app now includes a Service, called "Edit in Writer.app". This will take the selected text and open up a new Writer.app document to let you start focusing on the writing.
- If you don't have a lock-down network location you can have Writer.app create one for you, from which you will get no network access.
- Fixed a bug in which your previous network location wasn't remembered 100% correctly if the location name included '(' or ')'s. - 31.01.2008 - v. 1.3.2 - There is a new copy command to copy the text of your document without struck text to the pasteboard. You do not need to have the text selected to copy it.
- If you don't have a lock-down location set, you can avoid seeing the message every single time you launch the app.
- There is, at long last, a new icon! It's a Christmas Miracle! (Thanks to Brian Dote at http://www.dotestudios.com/) - 22.01.2008 - v. 1.3.1 - You can now specify the line spacing the text view will use. This is handy for editing the printed out version. - 07.11.2007
- v. 1.3 - You can change the default away message the app will change your iChat status to, if you use iChat. You should not be messing with preferences, though, this is only to present an outward appearance while you're deep into your writing. So set it up and forget about it.
- The odd bug where if you deleted a character, used the arrow or mouse to skip back beyond the last character (which is struck out), and then strike out *that* character with the delete key, then hit the down arrow or mouse to the end of the text, the rest of your typing would be struck out, unless and until you hit the delete key twice (I know, this is verging on the border of sacrificing a chicken for the event...), well, that's been fixed. Thank the heavens.
- The backdrop window will now disappear when you decide to show all apps and not lurk behind your writing window, scaring you when you shift that out of the way.
- Your last iChat status message is stored and restored on quit.- 15.10.2007 - v. 1.2.5 - Fixed a really annoying bug where recent documents wouldn't be reopened. Also adds two hidden preferences to change the default font and default font size. - 9.10.2007
- v. 1.2.4 - Rolled in a bunch of fixes from 1.2.1 through to 1.2.4 for: a bug in which, if you selected the last letter (and any characters before it), and then hit the delete key you'd be stuck in strikethrough mode, fix for characters not represented in the Courier New font, fixed a bug where the Courier New font was not available prevented documents (new or otherwise) from being opened, fixed a printing bug - 26.01.2007
- v. 1.2 Added public Preferences pane for managing some settings like the default text behavior, annoying keyboard sounds, and the ability to tweak the levels of distraction prevention. - 10.01.2007
- v. 1.0 A typewriter-like word processor for NaNoWriMo. - 02.11.2006