
Horos is probably the most important application you will ever install on your Mac.
What it does is this:
It sucks down weekly horoscopes, in the pioneering horoscopes XML format pioneered (again) by the folks at Sane Magazine for instances just like this. Amazing, eh?
At any rate, it sucks them down, looks them over, thinks about them. Then, and this part is amazing, then it SPITS THEM OUT ONTO YOUR SCREEN. But not in a messy kind of way. Clean. Simple. Like spit, if it were frozen. And not spit but something associated with cleanliness. Godliness, you might say.
So there you have it. Horoscopes from Sane Magazine, but on your desktop. On. Your. DESKTOP.

- v. We have shipped 1.0 - 10.30.2008