Q.I. Software Public License
Supertart and Q.I.Productions public software is distributed under a pretty flexible license, namely:
You must adopt my belief system, which more likely than not involves a greater, single (or more) 'Supreme Wombat' that oversees all Life and happenings with the aforementioned Life.
Just kidding. If you should happen to redistribute these scripts/apps in part or in whole, we'd appreciate it if you kept this notice or acknowledged our part in the whole grand scheme of things in some manner or another, even if it just be around to your colleagues during lunch when you're talking about the software you've written/borrowed.
We also accept t-shirts, if you choose to acknowledge our part in things
that way, we're not fussy. We're not legally responsible for any changes you may make to the code that make it either a menace to society or injure some other party in any fashion, really. As a sidenote, this code shouldn't be used as a respirator, as we're almost positive we'll never write code for use in respirators, and using stuff we've written for other problems (like parsing RSS files, for example) is almost certain to be rather ineffective for powering machines that help people breathe. So don't do it. Use someone else's code for that.
If you make some rockin' changes to these scripts/apps, feel free to submit them back to us and we'll credit you if we wind up distributing your changes.
Hell, if we wind up charging money for anything you submitted changes/fixes to we'll hire you on. Or at least pay you.
Now, you're not legally bound to any of this, really, you're just going to lose major karma points if you do anything stupid (in the nasty sense, stupidity in the inadvertant sense just tends to happen; and we'll try not to hold it against anyone). So take that into consideration.
Each piece of software we ship should have an excellent README.rtf file included for more information on how to use each app or script and will probably make your Life one whole lot better, honest. We code our stuff especially for those sorts of results.
If you ever have any questions or problems, feel free to mail with your query, problem, or photograph and we'll get back to you reasonably quickly. Or as quickly as we possibly can. Whichever comes when it comes.
Write us and we'll send you stickers.
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