QI Software

      QIParser scripts


      Helping Out


We generally write stuff for either Openstep/Mac OS X or website specific modules and scripts for Unix-based webserving platforms.

We've the one script-y sort of offering for you web serving folks out there, QIParser.app, a set of tcl scripts that can fetch RSS or Sane Magazine horoscopes XML content, parse the content, and output the results to html files for use on your web site.
We've also got a few services for Mac OS X users which'll take any text you have selected in an app and a bit of text that supports Services and add it to your AddressBook or another one which will add events to iCal for you. Which are probably handy to somebody, anyway. They're called ContactCreator and CalendarCreator.
We've also just pushed CVSServerSetup out the door. It's a tool for developers. It's also a beta, so the standard warnings apply. And it also installs pserver, which is nice, but bbum hates.

QI Software License

If you wish to file a bug report with us against one of our apps, send a mail with the relevant crash details, error thrown, and such to bugreports@supertart.com

If you wish to drop a line to say hi, drop a line to software@supertart.com