So that suspenseful post didn’t last long…
Horos is out now… For those of you who are huge, huge fans of the Sane Magazine horoscopes, who also happen to have a Mac. Which has the latest and greatest version of Mac OS X (10.5) installed on it. Which also has access to the Internet. So for my wife and myself. Maybe. Maybe it’s just for me.
At any rate, it’s a very 1 dot oh piece of software which will fetch down the specially formatted (and long under-used) XML version of the horoscopes and display them on your desktop. Just in case, you know, you were too lazy to click on the link above each week to get your fill of horoscopes with no real bearing on your life (even less if you’re a Libra).
There are some features planned for the 2.0 release which include popping up when new horoscopes are published, choosing your horoscope to be displayed when new horoscopes are fetched, sending people’s horoscopes to them via email based on their birthday.
But that’s 2.0. Not 1.0. Which is what this one is. And it has significantly less features than this imaginary 2.0.