Category Archives: QI Software

iPhone Web Application

The very first 3rd party iPhone Web Application.
From the Sane Magazine issue announcing it:

It is the ultimate iPhone application. Designed by our crack staff in OmniGraffle and a few other web technologies, it is a crude rendering of an iPhone, which is optimized to ensure the viewer realizes that they do not have an imaginary iPhone, but the real deal, 100% beautiful.

It is also further designed to perform such that, if the owner of the iPhone is running the application and is showing it off to their friends, who are, as of yet, iPhone-less, they they most certainly do not have an iPhone, and are stuck with crude renderings of one, if that, while you, the iPhone owner, has the real thing, and can view such compelling applications as the Sane Magazine/Q.I. Software iPhone Web Application.

So go get your first taste of the iPhone apps to come…

Writing forward

Good advice from Tess Gerritsen:
Tess Gerritsen’s Blog » Any way that works for you:

I’ve learned that the most important thing is to keep the story moving forward. Even if I realize that the story’s taken a sudden turn and I’ll have to go back and re-write three chapters to make the plot work, I just keep moving ahead. Only when I’ve written THE END do I allow myself to go back and fix things. The consequence is that anyone who sees my first draft may think they’re reading a half dozen different books spliced together. Characters’ names will suddenly change midway through (because I decide that I really didn’t like that name Olaf anyway.) Once, after writing about a third of a manuscript, I changed a character’s sex from male to female. Did I bother to go back and revise the early chapters? No. I just kept writing, using the character’s new gender.

Which is why a tool like is invaluable. Get that? Invaluable. Meaning “beyond value.” Valu-ciferous. Which comes from the Latin: “value-giving, year ’round.” So you should pony up the $75… wait… it’s free. Pony up nothing, chum, and get writing. It’s not just me telling you, it’s Tess, too.

Go download it, get unplugged for a little bit, and see how far that novel gets then.

WrongRoom [dive into mark]

WrongRoom [dive into mark]
Here’s the basic problem: you’re writing a text editor. Stop doing that. It’s 2007. Saying to yourself “I’m gonna build my own text editor” is as silly as saying “I’m gonna build my own build system” or “I’m gonna build my own amusement park.”

🙂 He doesn’t touch on, and I think he kind of misses the point. Well, or maybe WriteRoom does, if Mark is right.

What we’re trying to do with is focus. It’s a *drafting* tool. Get that first draft done. Stop procrastinating. Get writing.

At any rate, it’s a rant, and it tangentially touches on something near and dear to my heart. I don’t necessarily agree with him and his annoying condescension, but I guess that’s Mark. 1.2.2

The last couple blurts of have been focused on fixing some user bugs reported; like broken printing (characters were being chopped off), problems creating new documents if you didn’t have Courier New enabled for some reason.

The latest work was done to try and support languages that use two-byte characters (Korean, Japanese, Chinese…) and is currently out in a beta form… it’s not working perfectly, and we have a few things to work around, but it’s getting there. It’d be interesting to see how the alternate, more modern word processing mode fares with two-byte characters, I’m pretty sure it’ll be better than the more restrictive mode. At any rate, we have a minor beta out, which isn’t exactly public, but nor is it completely private. In fact, to you, now, it’s public. Because you know where to get it now. Well, not now, but in about fifteen seconds, if you keep reading.

Go on and download it (or the beta (listed as 1.2.3)), check it out.

At any rate, go on and check it out, and drop us a line at or, and let us know what you think is missing… after all, that’s been our driving force for the last few releases. While I can’t guarantee your favorite feature will get in there, at least we’ll know about it, and possibly even get around to fixing it or improving on something.

Writer 1.2 – 100% CLEAN – certified by Softpedia – Softpedia

Writer 1.2 – 100% CLEAN – certified by Softpedia – Softpedia

Umm… well, I guess that’s a good thing. Though why do I feel an undue pressure to put in a nasty little AppleScript that’ll pop up from time to time to announce that it’s still 100% malware free? Maybe I’ll get written up by an annoying-ware site (after all, there is that preference to turn on the keyboard sound while you type). 1.2 is Out 1.2 – Mac OS X – VersionTracker

From a comment in response to someone else on VersionTracker.:

“I still wish this had the use of the delete button and a spell check. I would even pay real money for this.”

Darn. I *knew* I should have released a pay version. 😉

With 1.2, you can now move the mouse to the top of the screen, go to the Preferences menu item, and turn the option to have “more modern text editing features.” It’ll take effect right away.

(You can’t use the standard command-, shortcut to reach the preferences because I figured that might be more inclined to be (mis)used when you should just be writing away.)

The Spelling menu is still in a hidden menu, but if you enable the more modern text editing features you can use the standard command-: and command-; to go to the next possibly misspelled word.

Go on and download your copy from Q.I. Software.