Introducing… Write-O-Matic 9000

So, over the years we’ve gotten many complaints about’s name. Many many many.

So we decided to change it.

Write-O-Matic 9000
Write-O-Matic 9000

Introducing the Write-O-Matic 9000, available on the Mac App Store.

It’s our first experiment in paid software. For the low low price of $0.99 you can get all the functionality (or intentional non-functionality) of the original, but support a small software shop by doing so.

It’s like the local, organic, sustainable version of getting and using software — the tool will still help you stay on track by focusing on the words to come, rather than the words past, and you’ll feel amazing for helping a very very small development shop.

As a blessed App Store app we can’t create a network location which will shut off all internet access for you any more, so we have a tool, which you should only have to run once, to do that, called the Empty Network Location Creator. It will guide you through the process of creating a very productive Network Location, or do it for you. Write-O-Matic 9000, like it’s predecessor, will try and switch to this location before you start typing, to help you stay focused and away from the big bad internet.

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