Writer.app One dot Four dot THREE

Tinkering in Writer.app last night, I had a couple of usability niggles that kept digging and digging at me. So, of course, I had to tinker with the app. And Acorn. The result was this:


[From Writer.app]

A set of new icons for the toolbar that look startlingly better on Leopard, and a new delete mode where, if you press the delete key twice, instead of it sitting dumbly by, doing nothing, it’ll delete the entire word just before the cursor. You can turn this behavior off… you just need to do it from the command line, for the moment. [defaults write com.qisoftware.Writer BWRetainOldDeleteWordsOnMultipleDeleteKeyPressesBehavior -bool YES for the terminally curious]

At any rate, I figured I’d push this out in the middle of November, as this thing is really the sort of thing that helps writers (well, one at any rate) focus on just pushing forward. No worrying about little mistakes, or going back over the story and editing incessantly, you just are forced forward, forced to get a whole lot of words on the page which you may just mass delete later, but at least you got them down somewhere, first. Or you might run the product by an editor (I’m available at very reasonable rates for editing small to large fiction, non-fiction projects, papers, resumes, grocery lists, you name it).

So go check it out. Get writing.

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