Brian (with whom I’ve worked in the past, on paying-job-related activities and he also did the icon for (which is why it doesn’t suck like the rest of the Q.I. Software icons…)) has started up a new site called Skip a Lunch…
Skip a Lunch is an idea I had after reading an article in the National Geographic on the spread of malaria. It turned out for a mere $10 you could buy a family in Africa a mosquito net through the American Red Cross. I spend $10 every time I frequent a Starbucks, so why shouldn’t I skip one lunch or cinnamon dolce latte and help save a child? I did. Will you?
Which is a great idea… I love the idea… and so I figured I’d highlight a few charities I like to give to, as well:
• Oxfam America – Well, it’s Oxfam. We had a friend who worked for their accountancy department in Oxford, and they seem to disperse the money given well.
• – a place to donate to school projects in need… I tend to favor the Mac-based projects and ones focused on reading… but there’s a ton in there to look over
And through the RedRoom I’ve chosen to highlight my other favorite charities (which will profile at some stage and share some of the advertising revenue generated by my audience (see? another reason to visit my author page…):
• The Jimmy Fund
And one last one, which seems interesting and presented at the Boston Web Innovators Group this month (which I missed), is Givvy. It sounds like an interesting concept…
So for those of you feeling like you’ve been lucky to have what you have and wanting to give to people who have less, that’ll at least get you started. Thanks, Brian.