SkyVenture New Hampshire : New England’s Only Vertical Wind Tunnel
Way. Too. Damn. Cool.
A catch-all
Please, Joe Sullivan, for the love of all that’s holy and good, please STOP. LETTING. DAN. F**&(ING. SHAUGHNESSY. WRITE. ABOUT. THE. PATRIOTS.
You have much more qualified writers back there (Jackie MacMullan springs to mind). Please, I’m sick to the back teeth of him, I think he’s a lazy, self-important blowhard who probably needs new pastures.
Colbert on the iPhone – Engadget
Very funny little double wag of the finger for Apple for the old iPhone and name change. The iPhone
Funny quote Steven uses to put the iPhone in a little bit of extra context.
Must be cool, working for a company like that. 😉
Go figure:
What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Northeast
Judging by how you talk you are probably from north Jersey, New York City, Connecticut or Rhode Island. Chances are, if you are from New York City (and not those other places) people would probably be able to tell if they actually heard you speak. |
Philadelphia |
The Inland North |
The Midland |
Boston |
The South |
The West |
North Central |
What American accent do you have? Quiz Created on GoToQuiz |
On the train this morning I got stuck into the part where Slothrop gets let back out into London, and runs into Darlene and goes with her to visit with old widow Quoad (In this edition of the book, it starts on page 116). The description of him in the sitting room with the widow, eating her horrific wartime candies is one of the brilliant scenes Pynchon has a knack for—the absolute horror of this foreign and frightening experience of eating chocolate, hiding their multitudinous delights (?) is so well conveyed… it’s one of those Pynchon-esque passages you wish you’d written, yourself.
This falls shortly after the incident in which the Dutchman is writing back about his time exterminating the dodoes, and the reasoning for doing so, which is a great little sidestep… this isn’t so much of a story about this book, more of an endorsement, I suppose.
You might be put off the by the sheer weight, or its weighty reputation, or any number of things related to how heavy a thing might be, but it is well, well, well worth it.
In a time when people shell out good money for a Neal Stephenson (thick) pile of excrement about the 17th century (Hello, Quicksilver), you’d be much better off investing in Mason & Dixon and Gravity’s Rainbow by this fella.
Not a bad way to say good bye to the old ground.
I took L to her first Republic of Ireland match there… over five years ago now (vs. San Marino, as well? Can’t remember, Niall Quinn got the goal scoring record that night), and saw at least four matches there… didn’t mind the old ground, myself, but it’ll be nice to see them get a nice, new, modern stadium.
I had it as NaNoMo, in the initial post, which has since been corrected.
And I’m all geared up and ready to go, complete with author photo:
View my NaNoWriMo profile
We’ll see how far I get, seeing as I couldn’t get an edit or two to my contribution to Fenway Fiction II (And Here’s Where the Authors Hope to Fill in if the Sox Fail to Have Enough Healthy Players Next Year — pending title, from what I’m led to believe) over the course of two months.
No idea for it, as of yet (well, that’s a lie, but I don’t want to look squarely at that idea at the moment, for fear of scaring it off). Working title is: Finnish Guy with the Funny-Looking Hair in Jackboots.
PS. You can still make me feel all good inside by buying a copy (or seven) of the original Fenway Fiction. This way you don’t feel like a bandwagon-jumper when the second one comes out and all your friends are asking you if you read the first one and you have to sheepishly admit that, no, you haven’t, that you never got around to buying a copy, even though I provided you an easy enough, fully clickable link to do just that.
How many lame-a** posts have begun with those words? Word. Stuttering, trite word. Who am I, Bill Simmons? “What’s with the pop culture reference, Bub?” you might be asking yourself. Or me. But, since I’m not around, it looks like you’re asking yourself.
At any rate, I’m not even so sure this lame title is accurate. I hope to God it is, but hoping never washed the cat when the whiskey ran dry.
Having moved family and job cross country, abandoning the friendly confines of the Big Fruit company (for reasons I’m not entirely clear on, myself, now), I’m finding myself at a crossroads. I work, for the moment, at a startup, in or around Boston. If you were a bartender, and someone asked you to mix a drink of a startup, a young family with a one year old or so, a cross country move, and the spouse working from home when she really enjoys the atmosphere of a good office, you’d probably advise everyone who ordered that that they might want to drink something else, because that’ll cause hair to grow on your chest, you’ll get a screaming headache later that night, nevermind the morning, and you may just wind up going home with the guy and or gal that appears to have far too many teeth for her mouth and will turn out to be, on further inspection, a bust of Alfred E. Neumann the owner of the bar bought in a drunken fit on eBay.
The crossroads is basically three options, times three locations. Err, that’s not right. My math is off. Three options, three locations, not all options available in all three locations. Maybe. Or maybe they are, now that I think of it. One of the three involves the Big Fruit company. Another doesn’t. As does the other. One is technology-related, one isn’t. The three locations are in three vastly different time zones. The time zones are known, the latter two options are not, specifically. Generally, I suppose they are.
At any rate. I may be participating in NaNoWriMo this year. Just wanted to get that out there.
I’ll try and do it on this blog (and possibly Sane, on the Mondays), dumping my thoughts from Tinderbox to the little database we have here on Supertart.
We’ll see.
Just thought you’d like to know.