Review: Modern Romance

Modern Romance
Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I don’t think I’m the target audience for this book. I really enjoy Aziz Ansari’s stand-up, and I knew, going in to the audiobook, that this wasn’t likely going to be along those lines.
And it wasn’t. He has some asides and special berating for the audio crowd, but they weren’t particularly insightful or worth savoring, so I switched to 1.75x speed about a third of the way through the book. Chipmunk Aziz was a little more tolerable, only because I knew I was getting through the book faster. He has a lot to say about dating that isn’t all that revelatory, but, again, I’m not the target audience for this book, so maybe there are folks out there who can use his observations that people spend a lot of time online or on their phone looking for love, not seeing the person behind the technology, and have more options these days than ever for love, but maybe that doesn’t help matters any.
At any rate, I liked the bit he did about marrying the Hardee heiress and the ensuing dramatics. But otherwise I don’t feel my life would have been missing anything had I not listened to this book.

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