Review: I Hear the Sirens in the Street

I Hear the Sirens in the Street
I Hear the Sirens in the Street by Adrian McKinty
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really enjoy Sean Duffy, the main character of Adrian McKinty’s latest series of books (a Douglas Adams-style trilogy, the Troubles trilogy has now got five books, I believe).
The story and action are well-paced with more 80s references than could choke a horse (this mild cruelty to horses and other things prone to choking on too many musical references is the only complaint I have about the book). It’s what I always imagined Ken Bruen would be like.
Actually, I lied, I have one more complaint. Duffy’s side trip to Massachusetts involves, of course, a trip to Dunkin Donuts, where he characterizes the coffee as having “been percolated through a tube previously used for stealing petrol from parked cars.” Shame on you, Mr. McKinty, shame. He should have ordered a regular.

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