Review: Dexter in the Dark

Dexter in the Dark
Dexter in the Dark by Jeff Lindsay
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I didn’t mind the descent into the demoniacal as much as other people did, but it’s certainly different than the other Dexter books.
More than anything, I missed the presence of the Dark Passenger, who abandons Dexter in the presence of another Dark Passenger, older and stronger. Dexter is his same old goofy self, but I enjoyed the interludes with the Dark Passenger in previous books (and the TV show), I think Jeff Lindsay writes that voice really well and it was a shame to spend the bulk of the book without it.
Of course, the Dark Passenger returns, and how it returns feels like the punchline to a book length joke, the kind your doddering bachelor uncle might tell.
I think the way the kids are used in the books is interesting, and the story clips along at a good enough pace.
I’m not 100% sure, but I also believe the word of the day in the Miami newspapers around the time this book was being written *must* have been ‘sibilant’, because it shows up an inordinate number of times.

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