Review: A Dirty Job

A Dirty Job
A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I normally love Christopher Moore and his writing style, but I just didn’t find this one as engaging. It’s set in San Francisco, his new(ish) home, and it just seems like a paean to all the things he loves about the city and I just don’t share the same enthusiasm.
It’s also less subtle than his stuff usually is — the main character is happily oblivious to most of his surroundings and we get beaten over the head with a certain assumption he makes so many times that, by the third time (of many, many more times) you feel like shaking the character and maybe just dropping the book altogether.

But if you want to read something fantastic, have a look at Sacré Bleu or Fool by Christopher Moore.

View all my reviews

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