The Brief and Pretty Boring, Frankly, Reign of Phil

by George Saunders


I feel like George and I got off on the wrong foot. I’d been seeing his name everywhere lately and thus far hadn’t read a thing by him. So I figured I’d dip my toe in the George Saunders water. Was this the wrong story to start on? Is all of his stuff like this?

I’m genuinely curious. Again, like Big Man with a Shovel, I probably would have lapped this stuff up, were I still studying for my English degree… but I’m not. And the only lapping was frantic, trying to get to the end, just to put i down.

Again, more than willing to accept that I simply picked the wrong book to kick off my George Saunders relationship with and would love to hear opinions.

1,985 thoughts on “The Brief and Pretty Boring, Frankly, Reign of Phil”

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