Twitter Updates for 2012-05-15

  • You're in dire straits if you're sending me the info of a PHP job… #
  • @rscorer What?! They have? Damn, I think I got some dodgy tickets for an upcoming concert, then… #
  • @Jury I don't know… that seems pretty helpful to me… you know it's going to be a long day, anyway… in reply to Jury #
  • First Reader Draft finished and in the hands of the First Reader. #fb #
  • @SteveintheKT Just hang a bloody Komisarek around your neck… that'll draw him out. in reply to aadriiaan95 #
  • @KenTremendous And Canada… in reply to mayupon_ #
  • The "We got your money" note from the vacation rental place didn't have to be so shocked that the payment was successfully processed… #
  • @jennafischer You are truly living the high life. 🙂 in reply to jennafischer #
  • @drwave got to hand it to you guys for the brilliant story, though. Thank for sharing that link! in reply to saray0996 #
  • Jesus, @killen8, that was an incredible #Awake – just saw it off iTunes. Can't wait to see how it ends. #
  • So depressing, considering where I live now. “@marstall: Massachusetts is the best state. #knewit € #

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