The Bell’s Tolling for You, I Think


[From Matthew Michael Hanlon | Red Room Writer Profile | Red Room]

Look, kids, that’s where it is. I’m number 80 out of 1001. Has an okay ring to it… but wouldn’t it sound so much nicer in the top 50? Top 10?

We don’t have much time, but if you love me, if you really, really love me, you’ll want to get clicking. Get your friends clicking. Set up a contest-rigging outfit somewhere off-shore (Iceland? Plum Island?) to get clicking. Just click click click on that link above and get my good old RedRoom Author ranking up into the top ten and I will throw a fantastic party, I promise. Heck, get me into the top 50 and I’ll throw a mildly amusing party. I will attempt, with all the powers at my beck and call, to have a live chicken at the party. Two for the top ten goal.

But you need to do it soon. Because, you see, the clicks that matter happen before midnight, tonight. CDT. Which I believe is some fictional timezone they invented for the vast emptiness that is the middle of the United States. Why an empty bunch of land needs a timezone, I don’t know, so don’t ask me, but there you have it.

And drop me a comment or something (here or on the RedRoom, it doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things), and I’ll try to do something especially nice for you.

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