Bees, their knees, and Springs Brook Park

If you were a bee, and you were flitting about, saying (buzzing, whatever): “Bzz, bzz… how about my knees, eh?” (Okay, maybe you’re a Canadian bee.)

And someone would say, “What are you talking about, bee? What about your knees?”

And the bee would respond: “Well, let me tell you about my knees. This is the deal with them: they’re Springs Brook Park.”*

If you are, like me, the father of two small(ish – they won’t fit into a raisin box, for example, and if your children do, you might want to see a pediatrician about that sort of thing… or a raisin expert about your abnormally large raisin boxes) children, and you happen to live in the area slightly North and to the West of Boston, Massachusetts, and it happens to be summertime, the best place in the whole, entire world happens to be (just coincidentally) just down the road in Bedford, Massachusetts.

It’s a combo pond/sprinkle park/play park that has a tidy little man-made pond with lap lanes for adults, a slide, and a gentle shore, sprinkler park with water shooting out in all directions, barbecue grills if you’re into that sort of thing (and a concession stand if you’re not), a volleyball court (sand), and sandy beach.

Well worth the trip this summer. Unless you live in Russia, like St. Petersberg… then the trip might not be worth it… aren’t there water fountains in Moscow, down by the Kremlin, to splash in?

* Alternately called Spring Brooks Park, Bedford Springs, Springs Brooks Parks, Brook Springs Park, Bedford Sprinkler Park.

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