I am a Shoe Hacker

Just got done with the instructions at Podophile:
Podophile » Blog Archive » Shoe Hacker: Nike+iPod Sport Kit Shoe Mod.

Now, it may have taken me slightly longer than 10 minutes it took this guy, as my now ancient home economics skills have probably failed me, and I don’t think my report in 5 months time will be quite the same as his (still going – mine may be along the lines of: “So the piece of Velcro I spent 20 minutes sewing to the tongue of the shoe has come off, five minutes into my first run, which is surprising only because I was able to run 1) for 5 minutes and 2) I was traveling fast enough for something to fall off my shoe, even if it is a poorly sown on Nike+ thing).”), but still. I’ve just managed to avoid paying $8 for something that I’d probably be able to have a lot more faith in.


We’ll see how we get on.

The sole reason I got one of these is because of a post like Cabel’s (cabel.name: Multiplayer Game Of The Year) and some similar sentiments from Jamie… so we’ll see. Maybe it’ll make a runner out of me yet.

One thought on “I am a Shoe Hacker”

  1. Nice to see there’s still some shoe hacking going on. My best advice is to try a couple of short runs (15 minutes or so) and make sure the little sensor is firmly attached afterward. If it stays solid and doesn’t need any adjusting after a couple of runs, you’re probably good to go.

    If you end up not trusting your sewing skillz, there are a lot of good pouches and gizmos out there for under $10 that work just fine.

    Have fun!

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