A story about “The Big Over Easy: A Nursery Crime”

by Jasper Fforde

I’ve read Jasper Fforde’s Thursday Next series, and had long been meaning to get into the Big Over Easy. As we’re now reading most of these nursery rhymes over again (and again, and again) to our 1+ year old, it seemed even more appropriate. I ran across the audio book in the Winchester library, picked it up, and listened to it over a few weeks on the short drive into work.

What an excellent, excellent book. The audio book is cast perfectly, Jasper Fforde is back with sparkling writing again, for the most part. I’m guessing the little break from the same characters and scenarios he’d done so well over and over again in the Thursday Next series was a major relief for himself, who, by the latest in the series, seemed to have hit a little bit of a rut.

Now this is what I imagined the godawful Gregory Macguire novels could have been. As it was, I struggled through Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, and don’t think I’ll ever touch another thing written by Greg.

The book is funny, fun, and a great read. Or listen.

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