Schilling has the backing of the fans?

What? Eric, are you all right? Who the hell are you talking to?

The message to the Red Sox front office from the fans is clear: Sign Curt Schilling.

Just about everything I’ve read has come down on the side of the Sox, versus a talented pitcher who just cannot keep his big mouth shut. I don’t get how that is a clear message to sign Curt… he’s getting on, he’s no longer the number one sole anchor (I suppose you’d hope Daisuke and Josh and Jon Papelbon will form an incredible tandem anchor (wow, how about that, number one starter by committee, forget the ill-fated bullpen by committee idea), and he’s gone the weasel route and started negotiating through the media. No. Thanks for the bloody sock and all, Curt, but no. We’ll see how you’re feeling at the end of the season.

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