Writer.app 1.2.2

The last couple blurts of Writer.app have been focused on fixing some user bugs reported; like broken printing (characters were being chopped off), problems creating new documents if you didn’t have Courier New enabled for some reason.

The latest work was done to try and support languages that use two-byte characters (Korean, Japanese, Chinese…) and is currently out in a beta form… it’s not working perfectly, and we have a few things to work around, but it’s getting there. It’d be interesting to see how the alternate, more modern word processing mode fares with two-byte characters, I’m pretty sure it’ll be better than the more restrictive mode. At any rate, we have a minor beta out, which isn’t exactly public, but nor is it completely private. In fact, to you, now, it’s public. Because you know where to get it now. Well, not now, but in about fifteen seconds, if you keep reading.

Go on and download it (or the beta (listed as 1.2.3)), check it out.

At any rate, go on and check it out, and drop us a line at bugreports@supertart.com or software@supertart.com, and let us know what you think is missing… after all, that’s been our driving force for the last few releases. While I can’t guarantee your favorite feature will get in there, at least we’ll know about it, and possibly even get around to fixing it or improving on something.

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