Bye to the original dirt dog?

Boston Red Sox Nation: It Will Be Perfectly Clear by Midnight

Now, I can’t stand Steve Silva. I think he’s a troll. He’s got a serious case of man love for Trot Nixon, and a couple of issues he might like to have sorted out with Pedro Martinez and Manny Ramirez.

But I just wanted to link here to a quote he had from a caller to WEEI about good old Trot, from whose a** the sun shines, in BDD’s eyes:

“When I heard that the Red Sox might be bringing Trot Nixon back, it restored my faith
in the front office…. he’s gritty, he’s a dirt dog, he would play with a broken leg…
he’s been great in right field.” — Linda, caller to WEEI’s Dale & Holley, 12.1.06

Broken leg, I suppose… torn bicep? Mild left groin strain, out five to seven days. Maybe not. Not that I’d like to play with any injury. Hell, if I woke up tired I might beg off, ask to be put on the disabled list, at least until I get the sleepy seeds out.

I love watching Trot play, and I wish the Sox would keep him (and Manny), but for Pete’s sake, Trot’s no more durable than Manny, so I really don’t get where BDD gets his man love from… and his intense hatred of all things Manny… in fact, you might argue he’s less durable than Manny. I’m not going to get all Sabermetrician on this here (partly because the thought of looking up cold, hard numbers makes my eyes water, and my brain want to throttle itself), but if you care to, it’d be interesting, as I’m sure someone else has already done it, to look at how many days Trot and Manny have missed over the last few years and compare and contrast.

Incoherent rant, over.

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