
I had it as NaNoMo, in the initial post, which has since been corrected.

And I’m all geared up and ready to go, complete with author photo:
View my NaNoWriMo profile

We’ll see how far I get, seeing as I couldn’t get an edit or two to my contribution to Fenway Fiction II (And Here’s Where the Authors Hope to Fill in if the Sox Fail to Have Enough Healthy Players Next Year — pending title, from what I’m led to believe) over the course of two months.

No idea for it, as of yet (well, that’s a lie, but I don’t want to look squarely at that idea at the moment, for fear of scaring it off). Working title is: Finnish Guy with the Funny-Looking Hair in Jackboots.

PS. You can still make me feel all good inside by buying a copy (or seven) of the original Fenway Fiction. This way you don’t feel like a bandwagon-jumper when the second one comes out and all your friends are asking you if you read the first one and you have to sheepishly admit that, no, you haven’t, that you never got around to buying a copy, even though I provided you an easy enough, fully clickable link to do just that.

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