The History of the Mayan Ball League, a short story about the first professional sports league and the odd parallels and perhaps even lessons the modern day National Hockey League could learn from it. Q.I. Productions, December 12, 2012.
- Final Fenway Fiction: Short
Stories from Red Sox Nation, a short story titled "Just Add Water (And Extra Innings)" in an anthology of fiction from Red Sox Nation, the second (?) all fiction anthology devoted to the Red Sox. Cornerstone Publishing, January 01, 2012.
- Further Fenway Fiction: Short
Stories from Red Sox Nation, a short story titled "The Curious Case of Doctor Belly and Mister Itcher" in an anthology of fiction from Red Sox Nation, the second (?) all fiction anthology devoted to the Red Sox. Rounder Books, July 25, 2007.
- Fenway Fiction: Short
Stories from Red Sox Nation, a short story titled "The Long Dark Voyage" in an anthology of fiction from Red Sox Nation, the first all fiction anthology devoted to the Red Sox. Rounder Books, October 25 2005.
- The Sonatas of Saint Francis, collaborative hypertext fiction (with Michael Joyce, Andrea Morris, and Carolyn Guyer). This fiction is about an island of poets on which Lorca, William and Dorothy Wordsworth, William Blake, and Saint Francis himself live in both image and word and the slippages in between. Appeared with authors' permission on the curriculum of 20 university courses worldwide in the 2000 - 2001 school year. ( October 2000.
-, collaborative hypertext site. Supertart is an extension of Sane Magazine, and encourages contributions from various authors. There are presently two projects under development for the site and an infrequent weblog from myself. December 2000 - present.