QI Software :: CVSServerSetup.app

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CVSServerSetup.dmg :: A tool for developers wanting to get a CVS repository up and running on their machine without too much pain.

This is the official, 1-dot-1 release of CVSServerSetup.

This application will setup a CVS repository on your machine, enable people to browse it via the web, allow developers to access it remotely (using ssh or cvs pserver), and announce the repository's existence to the local network via Rendezvous. Also see the README.rtf included on the disk image, that will detail the changes in this latest release.

The included command-line tool, cvsDiscover, will find Rendezvous-enabled cvs pservers on the local network for you. More information is available in the ReadMe-cvsDiscover.rtf on the disk image.

If you've already downloaded CVSServerSetup and installed your cool new Rendezvous-enabled pserver without getting the whole disk image again, you can download the 12k or so cvsDiscover by itself.

We've tweaked CVL, the best Mac OS X CVS GUI out there to include Rendezvous support for adding repositories. It's now available in the latest release of CVL, which you can get from the CVL site.

We apologise for the lack of updates recently, we've been very busy, but sometime in the new year we expect to release a gentler, kinder CVSServerSetup. Hang in there.

See the included ReadMe-CVL.rtf file for more information.

For more information about CVS, see http://cvsbook.red-bean.com/.

Download CVSServerSetup.app

  • v. 1.1 is now the current download, and it adds better informational messages (ehm, there are some now, post-installation), _ssh._tcp. support for the Rendezvous delegate, and it defaults to providing CVS access via ssh, and *not* pserver. Which will make some people happy. - 16.05.2003
  • v. 1.0.1 added xinetd support that works. - 24.03.2003
  • v. 1.0 adds xinetd support and cvsDiscover, a command-line tool for discovering Rendezvous-enabled cvs pservers. - 19.03.2003
  • v. 1.0b2 fixed a bug where the startup item installed woudln't actually start up. - 13.03.2003
  • v. 1.0b1 is the initial release. - 12.03.2003

  • If you wish to file a bug report with us against one of our apps, send a mail with the relevant crash details, error thrown, and such to bugreports@supertart.com

    If you wish to drop a line to say hi, drop a line to software@supertart.com