This horribly named page is my bookmarks, my outlinks. Get thee to a nunnery.
mijoyce, the man, himself.
caguyer, a new media maven and she has the sense to avoid it.
Sane Magazine. The thing that started it all. If you listen to terribly inaccurate historians, this was the cause of the French and Indian War.
subclear. Mick's gone and retired. Bloody hell.
Get Fuzzy. My new favourite strip. I don't know who they supplanted as my favourite, but it's good. (inconsistent pronoun references are intentional, honest.)
The FAI. Rumoured neighbours of the fabled Sane Magazine offices, football done right... erm... or at least the Irish way.
My Advogato page (Now I'm sure you're horribly excited about that.)
Some of the boys who make these things possible:
James, Bill, long a personal hero, Steve, and Avie. (No bias, at all, really.)
My Other Homepage.
Some of you know me as a bit of an occasional programmer. Some things you may find useful if you, too, would like to be a programmer:
Objective C. Objective C will, if you believe Justin, even wash your socks without bleeding the colours all over the rest of your clothes. In all honesty, though, categories rock.
Jaaaava. In Cocoa. Oooooo. Hotspot rocks, like categories, but in a different, faster kind of way.
And, speaking of Java, WebObjects.. Feel free to email me with questions.
Or, if you're one of those people doing the WO5 thing, you can check here for occasional information that might help. For example, those of you interested in using JavaMail with WO5 will find some stuff that might help.
Or or *or*, if you're one of those Mac OS X (Server) type of people, you might find this a little more useful. Or perhaps a Darwin page.
And, just launched a little while ago, QI Software has a new website and a new, ehm, thing.
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